The status of a country in moving towards elimination
Colours :
Indigenous malaria deaths 2018 :
All confirmed malaria deaths reported in the country minus imported deaths for countries with case investigation (ie cases not proven to be imported by case investigation are assumed indigenous).
Colours : Green <10 Yellow 10-50 Red > 50
Indigenous malaria cases 2018 :
All confirmed malaria cases reported in the country minus imported cases for countries with case investigation (ie cases not proven to be imported by case investigation are assumed indigenous).Source: Data from WMR 2017 Annex 3-G showing reported cases by place of care. For some countries (Bhutan, Timor-Leste and Malaysia) there was a need to make adjustments where private sector and community cases were also included in the public sector column. Imported cases taken from Annex 3-H WMR 2017.
Colours : Green <1,000 Yellow 1,000-50,000 Red >50,000
Administrative units free of malaria (%) :
The percentage of administrative units that did not report indigenous cases of malaria in the last reporting year (2025 for country reported figures and 2017 for data taken from WMR for Bhutan, DPRK, Myanmar, Pakistan)
Colours : Green >80% Yellow <80%
Functional elimination task force (or equivalent) in place :
A multi sectoral National Malaria Elimination Task Force or equivalent body that meets at least once a year to evaluate the national plan and take necessary actions to ensure national targets are achieved.
Colours : Green Completed
Yellow Date to be achieved
Costed malaria elimination plan in place and adopted :
A published fully costed strategic plan to eliminate malaria with implementation timelines and budget
Colours : Green Completed
Yellow Date to be achieved
Case reporting from all providers :
A reporting system is in place to routinely report malaria case data is to the national malaria program from all providers both public and private.
Colours : Green Completed
Yellow Date to be achieved
Legislation in place to make malaria a notifiable disease within 24-48hrs :
Legislation exists that includes malaria in the list of communicable diseases that requires case reporting within 24-48hrs.
Colours : Green Completed
Yellow Date to be achieved
Formal mechanism in place to ensure quality of health commodities for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malaria and other priority diseases :
Evidence of the national regulatory authority (NRA) or a collaborating agency having a national or multi-country collaborative system in place to monitor the quality of medicines and medical devices, with trained staff and financial resources. Evidence of implementation of this system through risk-based sampling, manufacturer inspections and laboratory testing of health commodities to monitor the safety and quality of licensed products and to identify substandard and/or falsified products (SFs). (not all the competencies need to be based in the same country, as long as services are available regionally).
Colours : Green Completed
Yellow Date to be achieved
Targeting interventions based on up to date malaria risk stratification :
Routine case based malaria data is used (possibly with entomology and other data) to stratify malaria distribution and risk by the lowest practical administrative unit (such as village) and this stratification is used to determine appropriate interventions and response. The stratification should be updated at regular intervals (min 2-3 years)
Colours : Green Completed
Yellow Date to be achieved
Elimination financing sustainability plan developed :
The country has a plan (or in the process of developing one) to ensure that adequate financing is in place for malaria elimination by increasing, over time, the domestic contribution to national and sub-national malaria programs.
Colours : Green Completed
Yellow Date to be achieved
Innovative tools / approaches supported or implemented :
Investment into development of priority products for regional needs; and/or expedited introduction of these products at the regulatory, procurement or program level.
OR has the country developed or implemented any other innovative tools / approaches for malaria elimination?
Colours : Green Completed
Yellow Date to be achieved
Map view highlights progress for different indicators and countries. The map will represent the indicator last selected. Filters can be applied by clicking on Country Program Status. Click on “Select All” countries to reset the filter applied by Country Program status. You can export Map view with the applied filters using export option.
Graphics view contains charts for different indicators, grouped by countries.
You can download individual charts using export option beside chart.
Similar to the Leaders Dashboard, Map view for Technical Annex highlights progress for different indicators and countries. The map will represent the indicator last selected. Filters can be applied by clicking on Country Program Status. Click on “Select All” countries to reset the filter applied by Country Program status.
You can export Map view with applied filters using export option.
Technical Annex – Tabular View
Similar to the Leaders Dashboard, Tabular view for Technical Annex is presents full set of data in table format with color codes based on indicators status. Filters can be applied using Indicators and Countries.
You can export tabular view with applied filters using export option.
Technical Annex – Graphics View
Similar to the Leaders Dashboard, Graphics view contains charts for different indicators of the Technical Annex, grouped by countries. You can download individual charts using export option beside chart.